Why Do People Love These 5-Star Croissants So Much?

Let’s talk croissants. The best ones are are crisp on the outside, pull-apart tender on the inside. They are never gummy. When you bite one, shards of buttery dough break off (and your job is to make sure none go uneaten).
It can be hard to locate your dream croissant outside of major metropolitan areas such as, mon ami, Paris. Perhaps you’ve lucked out and your town has a French baker who turns out buttery creations that you can pop in to buy at 7 in the morning and eat on your terrace with jam and Eiffel Tower daydreams.
The rest of us turn to these incredible, reader-adored Galaxy croissants. They come 15 to an order, and have earned a whopping 187 five-star reviews online.
Let’s talk croissants. The best ones are are crisp on the outside, pull-apart tender on the inside. They are never gummy. When you bite one, shards of buttery dough break off (and your job is to make sure none go uneaten).
It can be hard to locate your dream croissant outside of major metropolitan areas such as, of course, Paris. Perhaps you’ve lucked out and your town has a French baker who turns out buttery creations that you can pop in to buy at 7 in the morning and eat on your terrace with jam and Eiffel Tower daydreams.
For the rest of us, there are these incredible, reader-adored Galaxy croissants. They come 15 to an order, and have earned a whopping 187 five-star reviews online. French chef Yves-
“>French chef Jean-Yves Charon makes them using only the best ingredients exclusively for Williams-Sonoma. All you do is leave them out overnight to rise, then bake them and butter them in the morning. That’s it.“The wonderful aroma that fills my home while baking brings me back to France,” raves one happy customer. Another enthused, “They are the star of our Christmas morning brunch!”
What makes them so special? “They baked up nice and high and sooo FLAKY!!!” one exclamation-point and croissant-lover says.
And they’re not just among the best delivery croissants you’ll ever taste. As one fan says, “These were the most delicious croissants I have ever had!”
So there you have it. See what all the fuss is about!