Food News: The Best Way to Ripen an Avocado Is Also the Least Fussy

Plus: Christina Tosi's empire expands into the grocery store, a record-breaking pumpkin, and new food words added to the dictionary.
There are plenty of tricks to ripen an avocado, but it turns out the best option might also be the easiest. All you have to do is put your avocado in the windowsill and let the sun work its magic for a day!
Do you have dreams of visiting Christina Tosi's cult-favorite bake shop, Milk Bar, but live too far away from one of her stores? Well, you're in luck. Tosi plans to expand her empire into the grocery store, which means everyone can get a taste of the good stuff.
A Connecticut man recently won the All New England Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off for his record-breaking pumpkin. The gourd weighed an incredible 2,294.5 pounds.
Over a dozen new food words were added to the Oxford English Dictionary in its quarterly update. The words include poke and cobb salad.
Buyer beware: Beef products have been recalled in 10 states due to E. coli concerns. The meat in question was produced by Ryding-Regency Meat Packers.
Anyone hungry for a bedtime story? You can find Ina Garten's exclusive latke recipe in children's book Goodnight Bubbala.